Live Skills Coaching For Your Child

Embedding Lifelong Learning Skills

Equip your child with the lifelong skills and learning habits they'll need to effectively apply their knowledge to all subjects and aspects of learning.

Meaning no matter what the subject, whether it's very technical maths or long comprehension exercises, they'll have the practical skills and confidence to tackle any subject that gets thrown at them.

This means no more costly resources or tutoring for you and life-long, transferable skills focused on how they learn for your child.

Set across three core themes, our live coaching covers everything from goal setting to emotional readiness and finally, exam preparation.

Intellectual skills

The building blocks for all areas of learning, these modules focus on the intellectual skills needed to organise and tackle any subject areas, from number work through to text assignments.

Tools for linear & analytical subjects

Tools for linear & analytical subjects

Learning the skills to tackle linear and analytical subjects. E.g. Maths, Science.

Emotional resilience

Designed to safeguard a learner from negative emotions, bad habits and disruption at home, these modules provide the coping mechanisms and skills needed to develop emotional resilience and a positive approach to learning.

Goal setting

Goal setting

The process they need to set targets and goals to hit the results they want to achieve.

Exam readiness



Creating a subject-specific action plan with weekly targets from all of the skills learned.

Our Seminars Calendar

Find one of our live events near you

These fully immersive, one day live seminars will transform your child's learning habits. Starting with an initial assessment of their academic and emotional stingths, we coach them through the seven core learning pillars essential for maximising their achievements, guaranteeing their progress and safeguarding their personal wellbeing.

Boost Retention Skills

Seminar time: 3 Hours

Mastering Learning: Your Child's Secret Weapon for Academic Triumph

Join Tej at our upcoming seminar, where I’ll equip you with practical tools to turbocharge your child’s learning across all subjects. We’ve covered you from heavy-text-based subjects to linear, analytical subjects to languages. I’m excited to share strategies to boost their retaining, recalling, structuring, and application skills, giving them a clear advantage in school. This seminar is your chance to become an educational powerhouse, helping your child thrive academically in every facet of their education. Let’s make learning a breeze together!

Tej Samani

CEO & Chief Dreamer

Destroy Exam Anxiety

Seminar time: 3 Hours

Exam Mastery: Equipping Your Child for Victory

Gear up for our upcoming seminar, where I’ll equip you with battle-tested strategies to help your child conquer exam anxiety. We’ll create a pre-exam routine that ensures they confidently enter the battlefield, a during-exam routine to stay sharp and focused under pressure, and a post-exam routine for reflection and growth. With these tactics in their arsenal, your child will be battle-ready to face exams head-on, emerging victorious every time. Don’t miss this chance to prepare them for success in the academic arena!

Tej Samani

CEO & Chief Dreamer


Have us coach your child


Before the event, we invite your child to complete our short, 15-minute online assessment.

Allowing us to tailor their coaching to their specific emotional and intellectual needs.

Learn how to help them at home


Training programmes and access to our learning platform.

A good option for younger years, transition years and if your child does not have critical exams around the corner but you want to build their core learning skills.