
Improve classroom performance, skills and behaviours

The Performance Learning Online Platform provides teachers with the high-quality resources and assessment tools they need to boost results, enhance classroom cultures and stay ahead.

Secondary School Learners

Everything you need to improve
classroom performance in one place

Developing Cultures

By assessing learner perceptions and their attitudes towards learning, our platform allows teachers to identify and build a culture of excellence within their own classroom.

Giving teachers the tools to highlight and promote the core performance behaviours they want their pupils to manifest while developing a culture that focuses on academic and emotional excellence.

Supporting your wellbeing

Through the Performance Learning teacher assessment, teachers can also reflect on, and evaluate their own social, emotional and mental health to gain more insight into what they need to adjust to reduce their workload and improve life balance.

Empowering and Improving

Our reacher diagnostic tool will help you to identify individual teachers’ areas for development and areas of strength so that CPD can be tailored around their specific needs.

We also provide regulated OFQUAL training which aims to empower teachers with the rigorous teaching and learning techniques needed to lead improvement.

Let’s hear what our teachers have to say:

After a days training I left buzzing and was on the phone to colleagues saying you have to get this.

Paul Williams, Teacher

Let's look at some of our lessons

Sleep and Wellbeing

Help your learners to prevent sleep debt and create a sleep and morning routine to ensure they thrive.

Their Body and Mind

Provide learners with the guidance they need to make healthy body and behavioural choices.

Power Quadrant

Help your learners effectively manage their time across all study areas using the PL Power Quadrant.

Establishing Strengths and Weaknesses

Make it simple for your learners to identify their strengths, their weaknesses and how to use them to their advantage.

Heavy-text Subjects

Give your learners the skills to tackle heavy text subjects (e.g. Geography, History) and analytical subjects (e.g. Physics, Maths).

Ready to try Performance Learning?