Prevent overwhelm
and burnout while

Enhancing the performance in your classroom

An all-in-one platform and qualification to enhance the culture, performance and behaviour in your classroom (while you receive regulated continuous professional development - CDP).

Secondary School Learners

“The Performance Learning program has been a revolutionary tool for pupil progression and success at KS4. ”

- Satinder Panesar, Teacher - Lynch Hill Enterprise

The most important person in the classroom is you. In 15-minutes you can establish the culture, skills and behaviours you want your students to manifest. You will also get coaching to support your own well-being and energy levels. Your mental health comes first.

Earn a Level 3 Diploma in Performance Learning

Become part of a growing, worldwide network of over 6,000 trained and accredited Performance Learning teachers.

Teaching your students what to learn as well as how to learn.

How to predict, prevent and manage mental health challenges.

Behaviour management strategies that empower and transform lives.

We've helped thousands of teachers across the globe close gaps, accelerate performance and target classroom interventions with our regulated OFQUAL training and Teaching and Learning platform.

Our CDP for teachers takes training and development to the next level. Our Level 3 Regulated Qualification in Performance Learning combines both our coaching and AI-driven assessment and interventions platform.

Providing you with the techniques and technology needed to boost classroom performance while placing your learner’s mental health and wellbeing at the centre of their educational journey.

Hear what some of our teachers have to say:

We trust in Performance Learning

This is just what my pupils need

Removing issues and barriers to learning


Have us come into
your school


Targetted (live coaching), up to 3 SLT meetings to discuss your assessment results and use of our learning technology.

We will also on board your students and teachers via our live assemblies.

Use our technology and
online training


Use of our assessment and learning technology.

For groups over 100 we shall happily include virtual sessions and on-boarding assemblies.

A blend of us coming in, training
you and using our technology


(Live + Online)

A blend of both world.

Roughly every 4 weeks we come in and deliver targetted coaching to your most 'at risk' students while they use our online assessment and learning platforms.